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Free download antichamber online

After most puzzles are signs with the forementioned iconographs which can be activated to give a hint about the just-completed puzzle. Certain areas in the space are dead zones that remove any blocks stored in the gun or prevent blocks from moving through them. Other guns can be used to 'grow' new blocks by placing blocks out in specific patterns, to direct a connected series of blocks towards an objective point, and to mass create and fill an area with blocks later guns retain the abilities of the earlier ones. Initially, the gun can pick up any number of small cubes, storing them, and then place them on surfaces these can be used to block the aforementioned laser beams, or used as platforms for the player to get over obstacles.

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Later, the player gains access to a series of colored 'guns', each which helps the player access more of the space. Initially, the player can trigger these themselves. Laser beams are used as mechanisms to control various doors these may either require the beams to be blocked or unblocked, and many doors require multiple beams to be in their proper state to open. Puzzle elements in various chambers involve maneuvering themselves around the spaces, where level elements can change after passing certain points, or even based on which direction the player is facing when traversing the level.

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